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Writer's picturePhilippe Vandenabeele

East meets West for Pelvic Health

Philippe Vandenabeele for the Pelvic Academy Israel

In the Asian practices of medicine, the 腹Hara (lower belly) together with the腰 Koshi (lower back and hips) are considered to be the core and seat of our power, stability and presence. The cultivation of this powerhouse, together with maintaining a free unobstructed flow in the body’s meridian system, are seen as being of paramount importance in recovering and maintaining health and balance. In the East, over the millennia, many healing modalities developed, underpinned by this understanding and with the aims of strengthening and reawakening the intrinsic self-healing capacities of the body.

Western approaches to manual therapy have seen many fascinating developments in recent years. A wide range of methods have emerged, based on new research and a greater understanding of the anatomy and functioning of the body, recently including a growing awareness of the role of fascia. Some of the more influential of these developments have been in the field of Osteopathy. Originally created in the late 1800s, Osteopathy has seen many evolutions and specializations, such as Craniosacral therapy, Visceral Osteopathy and Neural Manipulation. All of these modalities have demonstrated their value and efficacy.

Over 30 years of the practice and study of both Eastern and Western manual therapies, it has been my passion to bring the different perspectives together. In my clinical work, this has resulted in an integrated approach, using a fusion of both physical and energetic ways of seeing and treating the body. The physical and the energetic anatomy are not seen as opposites, rather as different maps that can guide us to a fuller understanding of our being.

During this online course we will focus on Pelvic health. I will demonstrate and share how we can integrate some Eastern and Western approaches. We will explore the Zen Shiatsu extended meridian system and some Ampuku, along side the 8 extra ordinary meridians and we will learn how these traditional Japanese treatments can easily be integrated with Visceral Osteopathy and other modalities to create a deeper sense of rootedness.

Zen Shiatsu and Ampuku are especially relevant in allowing freedom - not just in the physical body but also at the emotional, mental and spiritual levels. We will also see how these can be combined with Sōtai treatment, which addresses the basic musculoskeletal structure of the human body and its ability to maintain natural functional balance.

More information about this Online Course visit the Pelvic Academy homepage:

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